Invest Ethiopia

We are organizing a flagship event titled: Invest in Ethiopia. It will showcase different investment opportunities available in the country. We can help showcase the different investment opportunities in different parts of the country with a platform where success stories will be shared by successful investors in various sectors.

Expected Outcome

Committed Investment Capital

$ 0 B
Over the year
$ 0 M
Soft commitment secured in short-term


0 +MOUs
Signed with companies, chambers, generating $200 M in capital
0 +Media
Forum featured in mainstream media both local and international

Forum Program

Outcome of INVEST ETHIOPIA 2023

Committed Investment Capital of 320 Million USD for Mining Projects. Celebrating significant milestone in the presence of UK Trade envoy Mr Laurence Robertson.
Honorable investors, partners, and everyone engaged for the genuine 1.6 billion investment amount committed signed
All regional investment offices have displayed their respective investment opportunities to investors.

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